Sunday, May 25, 2008

A New Earth

It has been awhile since I updated this blog. I also have not been reading voraciously as before. I have been busy at work that when I have the free time, all I wanna do is chill out :) But I have not abandoned books altogether. I'm currently following A New Earth discussion on

I have not read the book. I can't bring myself to buy another book until I have finished reading all my unread books. I probably have about 10 unread books, either bought or borrowed. Sigh!

This first such discussion online is really cool. You can watch the web cast anytime, download the video or the transcript to watch or read at your own time. I'm at Chapter 2 now. I probably learn more this way than reading the book on my own. It is about finding peace within ourselves by being present, truly experiencing nature (which include ourselves: when we breathe, wash hands, etc.) and immersing ourselves in its vibration... in its power, and breaking free from our ego of associating self to forms/things. Quite an interesting idea. So have a look at it yourself here.

My notes from Chapter 1:

There's a mixed review on the book. My take is to use whatever is useful to us and we'll forget what's not useful in no time at all. So why bother picking up on every detail of what the author wrote. Sometimes people do need to slow down and experience the stillness of the moment before joining the rat race again. So whenever you need that moment of stillness, practice the simple techniques to bring yourself to experience the present moment.