I have been involved with knowledge management technology that draws its underlying concept on mind map for many years. However, only recently I got interested with mind mapping the original way after attending a training. I'm good at writing notes... or so I thought. They are full with sentences and lists. Even after trying mind map, sometimes I tend to put a phrase on my mind map branches. It took a lot of practice to change that habit. I still have to tell myself to use keywords only. Below is my summary of
Chapter 10: The Guiding Principles from The Mind Map® Book and
Division Four: Synthesis of the same book using mind map.
Chapter 10: The Guiding Principles from The Mind Map® Book
Division Four: Synthesis from The Mind Map® BookI find mind mapping to be therapeutic. It focuses the mind especially if I want a beautiful mind map, and I do love drawing. It makes revision easy. I have read many books in the past but I can't remember most of the contents. I'm going to go through my old books and start mind mapping :) I can't vouch for its effectiveness during examination though because I mind map for personal revision purpose and not to study for exams.
Buzan's official webpage:
Buzan World, The Home of Mind MapMind Mapping software:
1 comment:
I have reading your blog, it is good enough.
I am also trying to do my best with mine.
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